We work with all major insurers in Namibia. Please see our certifications tab.
your vehicle is still under Warranty, and it falls within our list of
Approvals, then yes, you have to make use of Star Body Works to ensure your
motor plan stays active.
If an insurance company is paying for the
repairs, the repair process will depend on the length of time your insurance
takes to approve an estimate and supplement that may be needed. We communicate
with them directly throughout the repair to speed up the process. We aim to
make sure we have the necessary parts ready for us to install into the vehicle.
Given all of these factors taken into account, we can tell you how long a
certain job takes but the wait time for approvals and parts will always vary.
A Extra/supplement is any additional damage we
find while working on your vehicle. This damage is usually hidden underneath
the exterior parts of your car. Once discovered, we contact the insurance
company to approve further repairs.
Star Body Works is liable for extra damage on your vehicle, or you have brought
your vehicle back to us due to unsatisfactory workmanship, then we will supply
you with a courtesy car subject to availability.
excess amount or Percentage is determined by your insurer. This can either be a
flat amount, or a % of the damage that has to be paid by yourself before your
car can be released from Star Body Works.
contact your Broker/ Insurer.
What does it mean to be manufacturer certified?
Adherence to strict manufacturer procedures.
Prioritized use of genuine parts, materials, tools, and equipment.
Continuously supported and monitored by factory technical personnel.
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